January 5, 2010

Forget the scanner

I'm officially throwing up my hands and improvising. I still can't get this new-fangled scanner/printer/copier/dishwashing all-in-one machine to scan the ultrasound pictures. Instead, I improvised and used the camera on my iPhone to take a picture of the pictures. Then, e-mailed it to myself, downloaded and saved the photos to my home computer's desktop and uploaded them here.

Whew, I'm exhausted. Really, it's a poor excuse for the photos looking a little rough around the edges. Meet our second Burkey baby!

The first picture is at seven weeks. The black oval is the gestational sac, the big white ball is the yolk sac (what the baby lives off until the umbilical cord forms around 12 weeks), and the baby is to the left. There's an arrow pointing to the fetus that says "baby."

And this our child at nine weeks, five days. The baby is on its side and the bright white marks are its chin/mouth, and the little arms. One arm is underneath the baby, and the other is in the process of wiping her face. Since this photo, we've seen the baby at 10 weeks, five days. Our next appointment is Wednesday, when the baby will be around 12 weeks, four days. On a bittwesweet note, the big black mass to the left is the blood clot.

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