June 1, 2010

One of the best days ever

You know when you look back on  your life (yes, I'm "only" 28), and you can pinpoint events in your life that you know you'll remember forever?

Those include college graduation, when Brent proposed on the Golden Gate Bridge, our wedding day.

I'm adding my baby shower on Saturday to that list. My mom completely pulled off the surprise of a lifetime. Mom knows how much I love surprises, and she told me about two weeks ago how it was getting difficult to plan the baby shower, so she was just going to tell me it was June 12. No other details would be divulged. I didn't mind -- the summer fills up quickly, and who knows when Amelia will make her debut. Oh, and don't forget my brother's wedding in July, too!

Anyway, my brother forwards everyone an e-mail -- mom, dad, Brent, his fiance and me -- from the wedding coordinator at the Rusty Scupper, where the rehearsal dinner is going to be. He wanted us all to go for a tasting.

So, we woke up Saturday morning, I mowed the lawn, Brent trimmed and I couldn't wait for a relaxing evening.

Long story short, Brent dragged his feet endlessly at home. I sat in the car in a huff, complete with my arms crossed, annoyed that he was taking so long. I sat there fuming," Why is Brent taking his sweet, old time?? Tom and Jess set this special tasting up for us, and I don't want to let him down by holding him up!"

I quickly moved from the passenger seat to the driver seat. I'm a much faster driver, so I knew I could get us to Towson by 2:15. We pulled into my parents' cul-de-sac at 2:14 p.m. Perfect. On the drive, Brent talked animatedly about all sorts of things.

But then as I tried to find a spot on the street, I was amazed at how many vehicles took up space. I turned to Brent and asked, "Wait a second, is this the shower???" He said no.

Then, I walked in the door and everyone yelled surprise. I nearly died ....

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