May 11, 2010

I'm sorry, what was that?

So, earlier this week a co-worker called me a "tub of lard."

Yes, you read that correctly.
No, it was not an over-dramatization by yours truly.
Maybe, she was joking.

But this isn't a woe-is-me post. This is a what-the-heck-is-wrong-with-some-people post.

The offender works in another department, and she's a regularly chatty woman who likes to "joke." Maybe she thought she was being funny? Here's how it went:

I was walking back from my gazillionth trip to the ladies room. This woman was chatting up another woman at her desk, and then glanced up in my direction smiling. Woman B asked Woman A what she was smiling about. "Oh, just laughing at this tub of lard coming my way."

Without missing a beat, I threw lightning bolts in her direction and continued walking to my cube. She kept talking to me as I lumbered by, shouting after me. "Laura, you know you're adorable. I was just joking."

Now, I know that I can have thin skin at times, just ask my dad. And I'm not actually that angry about it. But I'm not that friendly with this person, and honestly, my own friends wouldn't even say that to me .

It comes down to this -- when you make an offensive or potentially offensive comment to someone, hurriedly spitting out "just kidding" or "no offense" does not negate the ignorance of your previous comment.

So ... there.

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