November 4, 2009

... and my second impression

Just to give you an idea of how the rest of the Mass went on All Souls Day, roughly 75 names were read aloud and 40 families were there from the parish. As each name was called, a family member could come to the front of the church where a single yellow rose was given to them.

Morgan's name was toward the end of the list. And even though I followed along on the program, when the name was read aloud, my heart dropped.

 "Morgan Ashland Burkey."

Brent and I stood up, walked hand-in-hand to Fr. Louis. I kept my eyes steady on the flower, hoping to strangle the sobs rising in my chest. Then, the priest shook our hands, looked deep into our eyes and said, "Peace be with both of you." It seems cliche to read it now, but if you would have heard his voice, you would know that each person's death put a chink in his armour, too.

My Mom and Dad, who have been my other rocks, sat next to us in the pew. As we plopped back down, Mom looked at me with a huge smile and said, "That's the best rose. It's the biggest!" As tears rolled down our faces, I looked back and told her that it's only the best for Morgan!

Isn't that the truth? For children, no matter how old or young or well-behaved, they always deserve the best. And I simply can't wait for that chance.

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