November 18, 2009

To get the vaccine or not to get the vaccine?

I've been reading up on the famous swine flu vaccine lately. (Mostly because I'm a journalist, and there are stories literally everywhere about it.) Those in the high-risk groups - children, pregnant women, elderly - are required to get the shot. If I were pregnant, I don't know if I'd get it.

Most stories I've heard about the normal flu vaccine is that those people end up catching that same strain. The coughing, the aches, the vomiting. I've never gotten a flu vaccine before, and I think I'd rather just keep taking my chances.

The funny thing is at my women's healthcare center, you have to "pregnant enough" to get the H1N1 vaccine. What does that mean? You have to be in your third trimester. So, I guess all of those news reports should start qualifying which pregnant women are in the high-risk group.

Anyway, here's an article I read about the vaccine's link to miscarriages. I must admit that I did think about that, so I did seek out the information. Here's another article by Boston Family Life.

What do you think? Would you get it, or just take your chances?

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