January 29, 2010

Couldn't wait any longer

Gulp. I just couldn't wait any longer. I'm anxious and antsy and impatient. (And, yes, I realize this needs mastering with the impending arrival of a child.) But I still have five or six months.

Our original appointment was scheduled for Feb. 8. The time was perfect: 8:20 a.m. for the ultrasound and 8:40 a.m. for the regular OB appointment. Like I said, I couldn't wait that long.

Here's the thing -- I was supposed to see the doc in four weeks. Four weeks from our last appointment would be Feb. 3. So, really, the Feb. 8 date was past the date they wanted to see me. (This is me rationalizing.)

After debating and obsessing and talking it over with a few close friends, I bet the bullet and called.

"Hi, I don't know if Feb. 8 will work for me. (white lie. Something could come up.) Is there an appointment the week of Feb. 1 perhaps?"

After the extremely patient receptionist (and I mean that sincerely) informed me that it would be difficult to find two appointments back-to-back, she did the what seemed like impossible.

We get to peek at our little pumpkin at 8:50 a.m. Feb. 3. (The OB one is at 9:15.)

Let the real obsessing and worrying and anxiety begin.

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