January 19, 2010

Success in the pants department

Oh, the joys of clothing that fits. I didn't realize how uncomfortable I was these past few weeks with unbuttoned and sometimes unzipped pants. I'd walk around the newsroom covering up the bulge with a heavy winter jacket. While the newsroom is on the chillier side, oftentimes the coat was overkill.

Mom and I enjoyed a scrumptious lunch at the Paper Moon (me, the Hella Portabella and mom the Turkey Powerhouse), then fought traffic to get to the mall. You'd think it was the week before Christmas!

We found Destination Maternity, which was a store split between A Pea in the Pod (which Seven jeans, yikes) and Motherhood (think Old Navy). After 30 pairs of pants and maybe a dozen shirts, I found the motherland. (pun intended)

We ended up with three pairs of unbelievably comfortable pants -- black, brown and gray -- and a cute blue sweater. (I know, I know, another blue item of clothing, but it's cute!) These pants feel like sweatpants. I think I might wear these forever and ever.

The highlight? The prosthetic belly!Yes, folks, I tried on a seven-month belly. Oh, let the hilarity ensue. It was a strap-on belly that showed you what the clothing would look like into the third trimester. It was a little shocking, I must admit. So, there was only one thing to do -- put it on mom!

Is it wrong that I think Mom looked cuter with the belly? hahahahaha .... these next five-and-a-half months are going to be quite a ride! And isn't Mom a good sport?

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